
The National Academy Of Medicine’s Vital Directions For Health: Forging a Path for our Future (Forbes)

FORBES | Health is more than healthcare. Smart reform looks beyond the current conversation of repeal and replace. It must include an active and empowered consumer making choices that matter within a modern, connected, knowledge-driven system.

That is the powerful message of the National Academy of Medicine’s pivotal report released today. Drawing on the expertise of 150 health care policy experts, scientists, and researchers from across the country, the report was developed by a bipartisan steering committee that included former Governor and HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt, former FDA Commissioner and CMS Administrator Mark McClellan, former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, and me, among others. Its core goals are better health and wellbeing; high-value healthcare; and strong science & technology. The report outlines actionable policy recommendations to further these goals.

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