Bringing Modernized Kidney Care To The Home: How Monogram Health Is Transforming Polychronic Care (Forbes)

FORBES | Nowhere has innovation been more prevalent in recent years than in healthcare – but this astounding progress has not been evenly distributed throughout all sectors of medicine, or among all Americans.

Some types of care – such as cancer care – have seen a night and day difference in clinical outcomes where once terminal diagnoses have become manageable chronic conditions or, in some cases, even entirely curable. Another is my own specialty of heart disease where risk of death from a heart attack in 2015 was half of what it was in 1960.

Other areas of clinical care, however, have been much slower to evolve, failing to modernize to the full benefit of patients and families. For proof, look no further than the care of patients with renal (or kidney) disease, where a patient on dialysis today looks almost identical to a patient on dialysis in the year 2000.

Such was the case until Monogram Health came onto the scene in 2019.

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