
The US should be a leader in the global fight against Covid-19 | Opinion (CNN)

CNN | Americans are staring down an unprecedented crisis. We’ve already lost more than 71,000 of our fellow citizens. Millions of families live in fear and uncertainty every second. And large swaths of our workforce are losing their jobs each week.

Together, we face a common, invisible enemy: the novel coronavirus, Covid-19.

As two former US Senate majority leaders, we didn’t always see eye to eye during our time together in Congress, but today, we certainly agree on at least two things: America must lead the rest of the world to defeat Covid-19. And if we take our eye off the ball, China will try to exploit this crisis to its own gain.

Once again, Covid-19 has taught us that what happens around the world matters and impacts us here at home. As the number of cases climbs every time we refresh our screens, we’re learning in real time that viral threats know no borders. After starting thousands of miles away in China late last year, Covid-19 has spread to virtually every continent.

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