
Updated Nutrition Labels Can Make Us Healthier Consumers (Forbes)

FORBES | As health-minded consumers of food, I think we all deserve to know what is in the packaged food we buy.

Giving consumers information to make their own choices sounds as American as apple pie, but somehow in today’s fractured political system, it’s become a major point of contention. For the health of our families, we need to get past that.

Let’s just focus on one example, the Food and Drug Administration’s proposed revision of the iconic Nutrition Facts label. The revised label for packaged foods will be required by July 2018 for big food companies, and by July 2019 for smaller companies (those selling $10 million or less a year; they actually account for 95% of companies). Many Americans may think the Nutrition Facts label has always been on what they buy in grocery stores, but it’s only been around since the early 1990s. However, we have learned a lot about diet’s impact on our health since then.

Read more at Forbes.