

I recently got together with a couple of friends, entertainer WK “Big Kenny” Alphin and Dr. Randy Wykoff to talk about American compassion and to make a list: a list of things we should really care about. We wish to start a national conversation to identify and address some of the greatest threats to our global community. We are too privileged and have the advantage of too many lessons from history to continue to ignore our current trajectory – to continue to let another Ebola epidemic unfold as it did.

For my part, I frame the conversation in terms of changing health. American rhetoric regarding our national pride and values has taken many forms over the years, and until recently, health has not been a part of that conversation. But a focus on the social determinants of health, the basic tenants of our societal infrastructure, is imperative if we ever hope to build a society that can deftly and efficiently respond to and survive crisis.

This month, Big Kenny, Randy and I launched a conversation for caring, for change, for action. #Conversation2015 will focus on twelve issues for the next year. Picking twelve items was a daunting task, but we looked for opportunities where a little progress aided by a lot of compassion could make a big difference. To do that, let’s focus the dialogue on identifying those challenges threatening people’s health around the world, and how we can work together to address them. Join the conversation. Research these issues yourself and learn as much as you can and share what you learn with us.

Are you ready to take your place? Are you ready to care?

Read  my introduction in the Morning Consult

#Conversation2015 Issues (Links will update as we move through the list)

Safe Food and Water
Environmental Damage
Poverty and Inequality
Natural and Man-Made Disasters
Epidemic Diseases
The U.S. Criminal Justice System
Creativity and Freedom of the Press
The Right to Vote and the Democratic Process
You and Me